Roof replacement
A worn-out roof on your home, garage or shed increases the risk of leakage. Ventilation is also often not optimal. If the old roof contains asbestos, it may also be difficult to insure the building. Perhaps you would simply like to make your company more sustainable. These are just a few of the many reasons to opt for roof replacement. We are happy to help.
One party for complete roof replacement
Bunt Montage performs your roof replacement professionally. If the old roof contains asbestos, our sister company, Bunt Asbestos Removal, will go to work for you. If you want to install a skylight or ventilation system in the new roof, our sister company, Bunt Skylights, can provide all the necessary services. This means that you only need one party for the complete roof replacement. We have everything under one roof, which is both convenient and efficient. The work is always well coordinated, and you only have one point of contact, which keeps communication smooth.
Why Bunt?
Specialist in renovations
One party from A to Z
Own equipment
Convenience and security
In and outside Europe
Roof replacement is a smart investment
Replacing your roof is a smart investment. It also offers opportunities. For example, you can choose the best insulation, ventilation and more natural light. You also have a wide choice of materials. When having your roof replaced by Bunt Montage, you have a choice of various types of roof sheeting. Our sandwich panels are highly insulating and are air and watertight. We offer three types of sandwich panels: trapezoidal panels, corrugated panels and tile-effect panels. We also offer corrugated sheets, which are easy to combine with a skylight.
Numerous benefits
Roof replacement has numerous benefits. The building gets a new, sleek and fresh look, the climate is improved through better insulation and ventilation, and you ultimately save costs by increasing value. Roof replacement can be particularly important for a house. Not only do you improve your home’s climate with better light and insulation, but you can quickly recoup the investment. Increased natural light also reduces energy costs. Natural light can also help increase livestock production. A skylight is extremely easy to combine with a ventilation system, which offers even more advantages. In short, there are plenty of reasons to have your roof replaced.
We understand that a replacement requires a substantial investment, and you need proper advice to make your decision. We have extensive experience in residential, agricultural and nonresidential construction, which we are happy to put to work for you. Contact us to discuss your needs and options.
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