Offerte Brochure

De Vlasman 18
6669 ND Dodewaard
0488 754 101

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you also offer asbestos removal?

Absolutely. We work with our sister company, Bunt Asbestos Removal, to that end. We can remove asbestos and install new roofing and siding.

Can you also provide light and ventilation systems?

Yes, we can. We work with our sister company, Bunt Skylights, to install custom light and ventilation systems.

What regions do you operate in?

We work within and outside Europe!

Do you also work on small roofs?

We work on roofs in the agricultural and nonresidential construction sectors, as well as for private individuals.

One party for all work

If you choose us, you only need to hire one party for all the work around asbestos removal, from the paperwork to a new roof with solar panels. We work fast (up to 1000 m2 of roof per day), provide quality work, and offer competitive prices. To find out what we can do for you, request a quote today!

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